Blog Critiques
Lauryn Singletary
I like that Lauryn’s blog looks almost like a newspaper. It gives good aesthetics. It was hard to choose a favorite post, but I liked her product review, I feel like it showed a lot about her and her creativity. I’m a hobby photographer too, so it was cool to see what qualities were important to her in her gear.
Lauryn always does just a good job writing about her topics. You can tell that
she really dives into her research and manages to condense it all to make it
easy to read. I think you can really see this best in her
Survellience and Law Enforcement
post about the Astro World disaster.
Lauryn has great work, I remember her
work from last fall
and I feel like she’s only kept improving and one uping herself. It’s great to
see her reflected in her work.
Haylee Hines
Haylee’s posts are always very interesting. I loved hearing her talk about her
work in class. She always took the time to make look at the topic in a way
that makes it informative or entertaining for everyone. She did great coverage
about the war in Ukraine and how TikTok allows people to document their lives
in a state of war. Her
surveillance and law enforcement
post about the ring doorbell was very entertaining. It was nice to see
something light-hearted and feel good about the delivery man on the Kelly
Clarkson show.
Her product review and predictions intrigued me and gave me a lot to think about after class. Specifically, about how Amazon will play a major in our daily lives in the future with AI and shopping. Anytime we got to Haylee’s topics in class, I knew it was going to be good.
Abby Johnson
I feel like everyone’s already said so much about Abby’s blog. But I still had to mention it. It looks great, it works great, and it's full of information.
It’s not hard to see just how much work she puts into it. Her posts are always
well formatted and packed to the brim with information. I really like that she
adds in stats and figures into a lot of her posts. It shows just how well she
researched her topic.
It hard to decide on a favorite post from her, but I enjoyed her Binge Watching and Global Trends posts. Her stats on binge watching were very informative. And her selected topic of silent video for global trends was something I didn't expect. I had never thought about silent video and how it emerged as a common practice from people using social media. I'm not sure how she came up with the idea, but it was cool to see that she found such a niche topic.
Abby’s blog is another great example of what is desirable for this kind of course. It feels more like a research journal than just a blog.
As someone who has been consistently inconsistent, great job on keeping up! Her blogs always dive deep and explore all areas of the topic and she gets them written nearly every week!
Final Thoughts
Everyone did an amazing job with blogs this semester. I don't think there were any topics that I didn't like. The areas that were explored during my time in this course were both informative and entertaining. I was only able to cover a few blogs here, but there are so many other great explorations of these topics here. Please take a look when you have time. And a big thanks to Professor Reppert for making a cool format for this course.